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8 Types of Restaurant Employee Theft: How to Spot and Stop Them

Oktober 1, 2020
6 mins reading

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Employee theft can be a real headache for any business, but it's especially tricky in restaurants where everything from food to cash can easily disappear. Research from the National Restaurant Association shows that most of the time, it's employees who are responsible for inventory shortages and about 4% of restaurant sales. That's a big deal! And according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a whopping 75% of all staff members have stolen at least once, and sadly, many will do it again.

The cost associated with employee theft in the restaurant industry itself is estimated at $3 to $6 billion annually. Let's face it, if you're not actively working to prevent theft in your restaurant, it's like leaving the door wide open for someone to walk in and take whatever they want.

So, let's talk about some of the sneaky ways employees might try to steal from you, and more importantly, what you can do to stop them.

1. Undercharging

Ever had a customer order something, and your employee rings it up for less than it actually costs, then pockets the difference? It happens more than you might think!

How to Spot It: Keep an eye on your inventory records and compare them to what's actually in your restaurant. Also, try doing a "blind closeout" where employees count the cash without knowing how much they're supposed to have.

Prevention: Train your staff to always charge the correct amount for items and implement regular audits of POS transactions to catch discrepancies. Consistency is key, so make this a regular habit for all staff members.

However, managing this process manually can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially for businesses with a large number of employees. This is where digital tools like Learning Management Systems (LMS) can be invaluable. By utilizing an LMS, you can ensure that every staff member is equipped with the right knowledge and skills, saving you time, money, and effort. This allows you to focus on more critical tasks while maintaining effective theft-prevention measures.

2. Stealing Raw Materials

Sometimes, employees might help themselves to things from the storeroom or even the delivery truck!

How to Spot It: Watch your spending on supplies and make sure it matches up with what you're actually using. Also, keep an eye on employees who suddenly start working when no one else is around.

Prevention: Implement strict inventory controls and assign responsibility for monitoring stock levels to trusted employees. Regularly conduct inventory audits to ensure accuracy and identify any discrepancies promptly. Additionally, consider installing security cameras like Solink in storage areas to deter theft and provide an extra layer of protection for your inventory.

With surveillance in place, employees are less likely to engage in theft knowing that their actions are being monitored. By combining stringent inventory management practices with surveillance technology, you can significantly reduce the risk of employee theft and safeguard your assets effectively.

3. Voiding Cash Bills

This one's tricky because employees can void a bill and take the cash without anyone noticing!

How to Spot It: Keep an eye on your POS reports for any unusual spikes in voided bills. And always double-check the stockroom to make sure everything adds up.

Prevention: Limit employee access to voiding functions on the POS system and require manager approval for all voided transactions. Conduct regular audits of voided bills to ensure accuracy. To streamline this process, consider leveraging technology solutions such as Nimbly Technologies, which can assist with conducting regular audits efficiently and effectively.

With Nimbly, you can automate the auditing process, ensuring that voided transactions are thoroughly reviewed on a consistent basis. By utilizing technology to enhance your theft prevention measures, you can minimize the risk of fraudulent activity and maintain tighter control over your POS system.

4. Giving Away Too Many Freebies

Sometimes, employees get a little too generous with the free stuff, and it can really hurt your bottom line.

How to Spot It: Keep an eye on your inventory and your POS system to make sure the number of freebies matches up with what's being sold.

Prevention: Establish clear guidelines for when free items can be given out and train your staff to adhere to these guidelines. Implement strict controls over comped items in the POS system and require manager approval for all comps. While this is crucial, we understand the challenges, especially for businesses with numerous employees or multiple outlets.

Therefore, consider digitalizing the process to ensure staff compliance. By doing so, you can monitor the execution of your guidelines in real-time and at any time.

5. Faking a Dine-and-Dash

Believe it or not, some employees might pretend that a customer "dined and dashed" when they really just pocketed the cash!

How to Spot It: Check your security cameras whenever a dine-and-dash is reported to make sure it's legit.

Prevention: Train your staff to follow proper procedures for handling dine-and-dash situations, including checking security footage before reporting the incident. Implement clear policies and consequences for employees who falsely report dine-and-dash incidents. To systematize this training process, especially for businesses with a large number of employees, consider utilizing a Learning Management System (LMS).

An LMS can centralize training materials, track employee progress, and ensure that all staff members receive consistent and comprehensive training on handling dine-and-dash situations. By leveraging technology to streamline training efforts, you can minimize the challenges associated with managing a large workforce and reduce the costs and efforts involved in manual training methods.

6. Misusing Loyalty Cards

If employees have their own loyalty cards, they might try to use them to get free stuff meant for customers.

How to Spot It: Keep an eye on your POS reports for any unusual activity with loyalty cards.

Prevention: Prohibit employees from using their own loyalty cards and implement strict controls over loyalty rewards in the POS system. Train your staff on the importance of protecting customer loyalty programs and the consequences of misuse. To facilitate effective training and ensure consistent understanding among all employees, consider implementing structured training programs.

These programs can centralize training materials and assessments, making it easier to convey the importance of safeguarding customer loyalty programs. By adopting organized training methods, you can enhance staff awareness and adherence to theft prevention protocols without overwhelming manual efforts.

7. Time Theft

Sometimes, employees might take longer breaks than they're supposed to or even fudge their timesheets!

How to Spot It: Use a time-tracking system to keep an eye on things and make sure everyone is sticking to their schedule.

Prevention: Implement clear policies regarding break times and attendance and hold employees accountable for adhering to these policies. Use technology solutions like biometric time clocks to prevent buddy punching and other forms of time theft.

Solutions such as biometric time clocks offer a reliable way to accurately track employee attendance, eliminating the possibility of time theft through buddy punching or other dishonest practices. By incorporating such technology into your workforce management strategy, you can ensure fair and accurate record-keeping while promoting accountability among your staff.

8. Intellectual Property Disclosure

This one's a little different because it's not about stealing physical stuff—it's about sharing secret recipes or other important info with competitors.

How to Spot It: Protect your secrets by having employees sign agreements saying they won't spill the beans to anyone else.

Prevention: Implement strict confidentiality agreements and train your staff on the importance of protecting intellectual property. Consider limiting access to sensitive information only to employees who require it for their job duties. Regularly remind all employees of their obligations under the agreement to maintain confidentiality.

Additionally, consider conducting periodic reviews or assessments to ensure that employees understand and adhere to these policies consistently. By taking these measures, you can strengthen the protection of your intellectual property and reduce the risk of unauthorized disclosure.


Employee theft poses a significant threat to the financial health and reputation of restaurants everywhere. The statistics are alarming, with a substantial portion of inventory shortages and revenue losses attributed to internal theft. However, there is hope. By taking proactive measures and implementing effective strategies, restaurant owners and managers can greatly reduce the risk of employee theft and safeguard their businesses.

From undercharging and stealing raw materials to voiding cash bills and misusing loyalty cards, there are various tactics employees may employ to deceive and defraud their employers. However, by closely monitoring inventory, implementing strict policies and procedures, and leveraging technology such as surveillance systems and POS software, restaurant owners can detect and prevent theft before it impacts their bottom line.

It's also crucial to foster a positive work environment built on trust, respect, and open communication. By treating employees well, offering fair compensation, and providing opportunities for professional growth, restaurant owners can cultivate a loyal and motivated team less likely to engage in dishonest behavior.

In conclusion, while employee theft may present a formidable challenge, it is not insurmountable. By remaining vigilant, proactive, and committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, restaurant owners can protect their businesses, ensure the well-being of their employees, and foster a culture of honesty and accountability that benefits everyone involved. Together, we can create a safer and more prosperous future for the restaurant industry.

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