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Drive lean manufacturing through digital SOPs, checklists and workflows

Maximize OEE, throughput and compliance with digital traceability
Onboard teams faster and keep them engaged & motivated
Gain full visibility into factory operations in real time

Give workers and leaders the tools to deliver their best work

Give workers and leaders the tools to deliver their best work

Simplify and Automate

Generate audit reports automatically, identify issues and implement corrective action prior to certification.

Increase accountability

Track performance thoroughly and reduce fraud. Validate data collection on the ground using GPS, live photo, and video.

Unlock Cost Savings

Through rich visual analytics drive efficiencies across functions, from safety, maintenance to quality and operations

Teknologi yang mengutamakan keamanan

Nimbly berkomitmen untuk menegakkan standar privasi dan keamanan yang kuat dengan kontrol dan proses yang dioptimalkan untuk kepatuhan yang berkelanjutan dan pola pikir yang mengutamakan keamanan dalam segala hal yang kami lakukan.

Asset Unggulan

Studi kasus

Astari increased compliance to SOPs by 97% and became the preferred vendor of giant US retailers


How to perform effective Quality Control inspections in Manufacturing


Prima Food Solutions : Impact-driven strategies that drive operational efficiencies

Ambil kendali penuh atas operasi bisnis Anda

Privasi & Keamanan