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Realizing Sustainable Agriculture with Self-Audit

Juli 2, 2021
Bacaan 3 menit

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Today, there are many agricultural practices that have a direct impact on global problems, such as monoculture production, forest burning, and overuse of pesticides and fertilizers. These irresponsible exploitations of natural resources have negative impacts on our health and the balance of the environment. 

It is very important for the agricultural industry to change its agricultural practices towards sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agriculture is an agricultural practice that aims to meet the food and textile needs of today's society without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

Sustainable agriculture integrates three main objectives, such as a healthy environment, economic profitability, and socio-economic justice. Everyone involved in the food system can play a role in ensuring this sustainable agricultural system.

How To Apply Sustainable Agriculture?

To identify risks and evaluate sustainable agriculture practices in your agricultural business, you can use the self-audit or internal audit system. These audits are often a requirement for the annual Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification. Besides ensuring sustainable farming practices, this internal audit can also be used to increase the efficiency of your business operations.

How To Do Self-Audit?

Create a checklist. To start the process of self-audit, you can use a checklist that has been set by the GAP certification institution which can easily be found on their website.

Perform field audits. When you do an audit, make sure you check it thoroughly and answer the questions honestly. Record the information if you encounter GAP problems or violations during the inspection of your farming practices. Don't forget to give the sign and date in the audit report.

Develop a corrective action plan. If you find a problem or violation of GAP during the inspection, immediately draft a corrective action. Find out the problem that occurred and communicate the problem with the corresponding team. After that, create a problem-solving plan and share it with the team.

Do monitoring and second audit. Ensure corrective action plans that you have created are implemented correctly and on time. It is necessary to carry out a follow-up audit to ensure that the problem has actually been resolved. Without the implementation of corrective action, the audit process will be in vain.

Challenges of Self-Audit Implementation in The Agricultural Industry

Currently, many companies have performed self-audit in agricultural practice. However, most of them do it manually using the pen & paper system. This of course takes a long time and is difficult to guarantee its validity. 

With manual audits, the company needs several days or even weeks to complete and distribute the audit report. When the report reached the manager, small issues had developed into big problems. Not to mention, the added time distribution of corrective actions from the manager to the team in the field.

This can be overcome by using a digital audit system. With digital auditing, it is much faster to turn around the audit reports and corrective action from managers - the field team - back to managers.. The management team also no longer needs to compile all reports manually, all data has been summarized automatically.

Hal yang dapat dipelajari

With advances in technology and agricultural practices to produce, harvest, package, process, and distribute food around the world, now we can support population growth and produce enough food to feed the world. 

Use digital auditing platforms such as Nimbly to streamline your business processes, detect issues, and gain insights for further corrective actions.

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