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3 Cara Efektif Mengungguli Kompetitor dengan Strategi Bisnis Restoran Anda

Agustus 18, 2022
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Jaringan F&B atau restoran besar membentuk sebagian besar basis pelanggan Nimbly. Pelanggan kami setuju bahwa memiliki strategi digital sangat penting untuk kesuksesan berkelanjutan dan pertumbuhan yang menguntungkan. Restoran harus terus-menerus memeriksa kinerja mereka di tiga area penting yang mungkin menentukan di mana mereka jatuh dalam kesenjangan digital yang semakin meningkat saat mereka mengambil langkah-langkah menuju pemulihan dan membangun landasan untuk kemakmuran pasca-pandemi.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, Restoran dibanjiri ketidakpastian, perubahan operasional yang substansial, dan gangguan rantai pasokan.

Pandemi membawa perhatian pada dua variabel utama yang memengaruhi kinerja perusahaan: 1) ketekunan pemilik dan karyawan restoran yang luar biasa, dan 2) sejauh mana mereka menggunakan teknologi. Mari jelajahi lebih jauh tiga area yang harus disertakan dalam strategi digital restoran:

Search Engine Optimized Online Menus

Without a doubt, a restaurant's online menu is its most significant and often neglected sales asset. A text-only or PDF-only experience will not do a menu justice and can cost the restaurant money. Having visibility on the restaurant’s menu is particularly important when customers visit a restaurant's website on their mobile device, particularly prior to visiting the restaurant itself.

An interactive menu should not only include the names, but also the descriptions and images/photographs of the available items . The opportunity to order meals and rate and review food should be included in the online experience. Dishes featuring photographs earn twice as many orders and four times as many reviews, according to a recent research.

It is also important to connect your Google Business Profile to your website. Google controls the lion's share of search engine marketing, and roughly half of all Google queries are local, such as "restaurants near me."

Many restaurants have not done this yet, but you should make the most of your menu for SEO (Search Engine Optimize this) . Each dish should be put up as a separate, indexed page. When a restaurant's menu is updated, new items are added, or reviews are written, search engines are alerted that fresh material is available to read. This helps the restaurant rank better in search results and drive more visitors to the website, as well as enhance client conversions.

Social Media Presence

Many restaurants lack professional marketing personnel, and it can make it difficult to attract and re-engage customers. While marketing may appear to be complicated and expensive, a large part of it is just ensuring enticing assets get in front of customers, and to a large extent this can be automated . It is important to maintain a social media presence. A recent study shows that 45 percent of customers have visited a restaurant after seeing a social media post about it. Post at least twice a week, if not every day, on new menu items, the chef cooking or serving top dishes, special events or programs , happy hours, wine tastings, guest experiences, and so on. Launch programs where guests are encouraged to post about their experience. Be creative in serving dishes that are social media worthy.

Automated Execution that Drives Operational Excellence

With social media and store reviews online, however, a single mistake can land the brand a viral social media post and news story about a negative experience.  Therefore, the success of a restaurant and the brand of the multi-unit operation, depends on the ability to complete tasks covering areas such as inventory, financials, recruitment, operating procedures, and food safety. Processes have become even more complex after the pandemic, with many changes that had to be implemented quickly from new sanitization procedures, delivery services, government mandates, and changing operating hours.

With these new standards and expectations, restaurants have to adapt and do more than ever before. Today, restaurant managers need to be able to execute their jobs remotely - without having to be physically in stores. Luckily, operations-focused digital solutions like Nimbly can help restaurants handle tasks and responsibilities more efficiently, giving managers full control and insights across operations .

Management can log in remotely and view snapshots of the day of each store, including food safety, inventory, cleanliness, temperatures, guest areas, promotions and financials, - and easily identify issues, trends and prioritize focus.

Restaurants are innovating faster than ever before, and are increasingly using software to drive excellence in operational execution. For growing restaurants and brands to thrive, the right technology is absolutely critical .

Visit our F&B page to learn how Nimbly has helped some of the best restaurants take full advantage of the industry’s upturn.

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