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What is Precision Farming And How It Can Help Your Agribusiness

Mei 18, 2021
2 mins reading

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Today, the supply and demand of food right now are moving to the point that raises concerns. With this new looming problem, technology is implemented in agriculture, just like how we implement it in our daily life. Precision farming is the method we could implement in the agriculture industry.

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What is Precision Farming?

Precision farming is a strategy of farming management that collects, observes, measures, and responds to variability in crops, whether it is in or outside the field. In a simpler definition, it is a farming technique that uses technology to produce greater results with less resources while keeping minimum potential harm.

The World Economic Forum even estimates that the global crop yield could increase to 15% in the next ten years if at least 15% of farms adopt this method. It would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10% and the use of water by 20%.

How Does It Work to Provide Yield’s Improvement and Bottom’s Line Increment?

The beginning of precision farming started in the 1990s when farmers adopted GPS for data gathering and automatic steering. This tractor with GPS guidance can help farmers reduce overlaps and gaps during planting and fertilize the crops. This technology can result in the improvement of crop production.

Since then, technology in agriculture has developed rapidly and expands the precision agriculture practice. Such technology has helped various processes and improves crops yield, such as its automatic steering and yield monitoring system. It can also control pest spraying and fertilizer application which help farmers.

Ultimately, it helps farmers choose suitable crops with better quality and more profitability and analyze the performance of each farming site. Moreover, it can also increase the farms’ sustainability in terms of economic and environmental and predict the effect of climate change and provide solutions to tackle such issues.

Hal yang dapat dipelajari

Technology development such as AI, big data, and the internet of things have provided many opportunities for the agriculture industry. The use of technology in agriculture will help increase crop yields and minimize detrimental environmental impact while at the same time keeping the environment healthy and sustainable.

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